So I'm at work right now, right? The lobby is full because one of our clients is having a hiring day. There are about 15 people in the lobby, everyone has filled out their applications and are now just waiting. The t.v. is on. Fox News is on. An Obama speach is playing.
An old guy comes up to the desk and this is what unfolds:
Old guy: Hey can you change the channel or turn this down?
Me: Is there a problem?
Old guy: Yea, I'm very offended by having to listen to this. I don't like it.
Me: Hmmmm no, I'm not gonna change it.
Old guy: Okay fine, can I have the address of your corporate office?
Me: Sure, I'll write it down for you and I'll even give you the phone number too!
I write it down and hand it to him. By this time people are giving me that look like "who is this guy?". THEN, he comes BACK:
Old guy: Can you give me back my application?
Me: I don't have your application.
Old guy: Yes you do, I gave you back the clip board and you kept the application.
Me: No, I didn't. Look, here are all the clip boards and your application is not here.
Old guy: ::Humph:: well give me another one then and I'll fill it out again.
I give him another one and her turns to go back to his seat.
He comes back. WITH his original application in hand.
Old guy: Here you go, I was mistaken.
Then some other guy walks up and whispers something to Old guy. I thought he might be telling him to chill or something but NOOOOOOOOO. Evidentally he didn't like what was playing on the t.v. either.
Old guy to other guy: Yea I know but you'll have to tell her (points at me) your feelings.
Old guy to me: See I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Me: Well you're entitled to your feelings.
Old guy: It's not feelings!
Me: ::blink, blink, smile::
The crowd including Old guy follows the hiring guy down the hall.
My thoughts?
#1. It was FOX NEWS, you know, "fair and balanced reporting". Although they are of the Republican persuasion, they play both McCain's and Obama's speaches, in entirety.
#2. You are not the first person to want the channel changed. Some other guy a while back wanted me to change it from FOX to CNN, I guess he didn't like the McCain speach that was playing that day. I didn't change it for him either. Get over it.
#3. This is my house. You don't come into my house and tell me to change the channel on my t.v.
#4. If you don't like what's playing on someone else's t.v. IGNORE IT! OR LEAVE!
Now go away Old guy, I've got some blogging to do.
Mess with me on a Friday.
1 a: to produce or yield flowers b: to support abundant plant life 2 a (1): to mature into achievement of one's potential (2): to flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence b: to shine out
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wordful Wednesday
need a'lil help?

she loves to help with everything. no matter what we are doing, she wants to help. she helps work on the car by beating on it with a wrench. she helps me load the dishwasher by taking the dishes out as soon as i put them in. she helps fold laundry by unfolding it. she helps plant flowers by pulling them up.
she helps us laugh by being the silly little girl that she is!
Wordful Wednesday is hosted by Angie at Seven Clown Circus

she loves to help with everything. no matter what we are doing, she wants to help. she helps work on the car by beating on it with a wrench. she helps me load the dishwasher by taking the dishes out as soon as i put them in. she helps fold laundry by unfolding it. she helps plant flowers by pulling them up.
she helps us laugh by being the silly little girl that she is!
Wordful Wednesday is hosted by Angie at Seven Clown Circus

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
It's A Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everybody!!!! I'm gonna have another niece!!!!! Emily is gonna get a "Sissy"!!!! I'm sooooo excited!!! She'll have brown eyes and brown hair, just like me!
I know this because "Sissy's" Daddy has brown hair and brown eyes and that usually overrides blonde hair and blue eyes, unless of course Daddy had blonde hair when he was little, but anyway I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it!!!
I think one of the reasons that I am so excited is because there is something very special about sisters. I think every girl should have a sister. I was very, very happy when I found out that I had a baby sister and because I am 12 years older than my sister, it's more like I was and will always be a second mom to her instead of being more like "sissies" but that's okay because all that really matters is that we ARE sisters!
I have so much fun teaching Emily how to pretend she's cooking and taking care of her babies. I love to show her new things and in a year or 2 she will be teachig her little "sissy" to pretend and I will have the time of my life watching the two of them play!
Congratulations to my Baby Sister

on giving Emily her very own Baby "Sissy".
Baby "Sissy" @ 10 weeks

And thank you Baby Sister for giving me and Jon another sweet little niece to adore!

Now how come there aren't any pictures of ME and Emily???
I had planned on cleaning out Emily's closet at my house this weekend. I guess I can go ahead an keep all the clothes that she has outgrown, and the shoes, and the crib, and the baby toys, etc...
Have I mentioned how excited I am?

I know this because "Sissy's" Daddy has brown hair and brown eyes and that usually overrides blonde hair and blue eyes, unless of course Daddy had blonde hair when he was little, but anyway I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it!!!
I think one of the reasons that I am so excited is because there is something very special about sisters. I think every girl should have a sister. I was very, very happy when I found out that I had a baby sister and because I am 12 years older than my sister, it's more like I was and will always be a second mom to her instead of being more like "sissies" but that's okay because all that really matters is that we ARE sisters!
I have so much fun teaching Emily how to pretend she's cooking and taking care of her babies. I love to show her new things and in a year or 2 she will be teachig her little "sissy" to pretend and I will have the time of my life watching the two of them play!
Congratulations to my Baby Sister

on giving Emily her very own Baby "Sissy".

Baby "Sissy" @ 10 weeks

And thank you Baby Sister for giving me and Jon another sweet little niece to adore!

Now how come there aren't any pictures of ME and Emily???
I had planned on cleaning out Emily's closet at my house this weekend. I guess I can go ahead an keep all the clothes that she has outgrown, and the shoes, and the crib, and the baby toys, etc...
Have I mentioned how excited I am?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hay Yall...
it's fall!
yea, yea, yea. i know it's been fall for several weeks now. so I'm a little late in posting my fall decorations, so shoot me. no wait, please don't shoot me, i didn't really mean that. what I meant was, better late than never, right?
anyway, yesterday i worked on a decoration that i saw on another blog and being the copy cat that i am, i had to duplicate it and create on for myself. i know you're dying to see it but you'll have to wait a little longer cuz i'm not quite finished with it yet. in the mean time, i'll share an idea of my very own (at least i think it was my own idea). i made this cut center piece about 5 years ago.

it was super simple, just go to the craft store and get you one of those miniture bales of hay, some cute little fall floral stick thingies, a mini scare crow or two, some fall potpouri and a small wodden tray. paint the tray if you want, set the hay inside the tray and scoot it all the way to the back, stick in your floral thingies and your scare crow, pour some potpouri in the front of the tray, add a festive little bow and voila, you have an adorable centerpiece that was so easy Moma Kat could make it (hehe, i hope she doesn't take offense to that) and it costs less than $10.
i picked up a couple of old milk bottles at an estate sale last weekend. i love these little bottles so much i think i'll go back this coming weekend and grab some more. they make wonderful little seasonal flower vases! i just set them around all over the house and stick a single flower in them. how stinking cute is that?

ok, now it's your turn to share some of your decorations...
oh, and here's another doll that i made saturday night for my cousin's little girl, i hope she likes it. nana named her gigi!
yea, yea, yea. i know it's been fall for several weeks now. so I'm a little late in posting my fall decorations, so shoot me. no wait, please don't shoot me, i didn't really mean that. what I meant was, better late than never, right?
anyway, yesterday i worked on a decoration that i saw on another blog and being the copy cat that i am, i had to duplicate it and create on for myself. i know you're dying to see it but you'll have to wait a little longer cuz i'm not quite finished with it yet. in the mean time, i'll share an idea of my very own (at least i think it was my own idea). i made this cut center piece about 5 years ago.

it was super simple, just go to the craft store and get you one of those miniture bales of hay, some cute little fall floral stick thingies, a mini scare crow or two, some fall potpouri and a small wodden tray. paint the tray if you want, set the hay inside the tray and scoot it all the way to the back, stick in your floral thingies and your scare crow, pour some potpouri in the front of the tray, add a festive little bow and voila, you have an adorable centerpiece that was so easy Moma Kat could make it (hehe, i hope she doesn't take offense to that) and it costs less than $10.
i picked up a couple of old milk bottles at an estate sale last weekend. i love these little bottles so much i think i'll go back this coming weekend and grab some more. they make wonderful little seasonal flower vases! i just set them around all over the house and stick a single flower in them. how stinking cute is that?

ok, now it's your turn to share some of your decorations...
oh, and here's another doll that i made saturday night for my cousin's little girl, i hope she likes it. nana named her gigi!

Friday, October 24, 2008
PhotoStory Friday

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I just L.O.V.E. this shot of my son. See that little freckle in his lash line? I love that little freckle. And how gorgeous are those chocolate brown eyes? Jordan is an outside boy, always has been. He's not afraid of anything that crawls or creaps. He may be a future Game Warden. He doesn't put things back where they go, and he creates little messes everywhere he goes, we call them "Jordan Piles". He has always been very good with babies and toddlers. He will be a fine father someday. Emily loves Jordan, she calls him "Jew-duh" and runs to him. He will take good care of me when I get old.
It's so hard to believe my baby will be 15 this spring. A warning to all you moms out there with little ones, enjoy them being little while you can because before you know it, they're grown!
I need a shot like this of Stormy.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Wish Party...
I'm having a Wish Party today and you're invited! I'll list my wishes and then you comment and list your wishes, it's that simple. Okay, here's my list...
I wish an extremely wealthy person would pay off my mortgage for me. You know, someone like Donald Trump or Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates. For people that are that rich $137,000 is pocket change. They spend more than that on birthday parties!
I wish all my family lived in the same general area, not spread out all over the coutry!
I wish there were no fatherless children.
I wish I could have a glimps of what my life will be like in 10 years. Just a little peek.
I wish I had more time for making things and had a successful online store.
I wish God would talk to me outloud so that I could KNOW that it was Him and not my own mind.
I wish I was content enough to not wish for things that I don't have.
Your turn!
I wish an extremely wealthy person would pay off my mortgage for me. You know, someone like Donald Trump or Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates. For people that are that rich $137,000 is pocket change. They spend more than that on birthday parties!
I wish all my family lived in the same general area, not spread out all over the coutry!
I wish there were no fatherless children.
I wish I could have a glimps of what my life will be like in 10 years. Just a little peek.
I wish I had more time for making things and had a successful online store.
I wish God would talk to me outloud so that I could KNOW that it was Him and not my own mind.
I wish I was content enough to not wish for things that I don't have.
Your turn!
Monday, October 20, 2008
How was my 4 day weekend?
Well yall, I made it through my weekend in one piece. The 7 hour (round trip) drive to get Nana made my neck hurt like crazy towards the end of the day Thursday but luckily I have some Icy Hot. The drive there was peaceful. Sometimes it's nice to go on a long drive alone. I had BFF's car so I could think about things other than the car breaking down. Thanks girl!!! The drive back...well it wasn't dull. Nana talks.
Her laugh is amazing. She tells funny stories that are usually about her and she gets to laughing so hard, she cracks me up. I'll give you an example.
Here's Nana, imagine her telling a funny story...

Nana was on a car trip from Texas to Florida and she had brought 2 pain pills with her to take at the half-way point. She explains that she can handle the first half but the second half really bothers her bones and joints. So anyway, they stop at a store and while she is waiting on my Mom & Dad to come back out of the store, she takes her pills and gets rid of some trash and what not. Well, a few minutes later my Mom comes out of the store and Nana asks her if she would get them some coffee so Mom goes back in to the store. Mom gets back to the car with the coffee, Daddy is back so they get on their way again. A few minutes go by and Nana mentions how good her coffee is. Mom agrees, yea, the coffee is pretty good. Nana says again how wonderful her coffee is, she is REALLY impressed by this coffee. I mean, it's the best she's EVER had in her whole life! At this point in her telling me the story, she's about to pee in her pants cuz she's laughing so hard. Through her hysterical laughter, she manages to conclude that the next day while she was telling someone else how good that gas station coffee was, she all of a sudden remembered that just before the coffee, she had taken her pills and that was why her coffee seemed so good!
God bless Nana!
It was so good to see my boys. They have grown even more! Jordan has even let his hair grow out. He normally keeps it buzzed short so you can imagine my surprise at seeing his baby curls again after all these long, long years since his first haircut when he was about 2. And Stormy is about 5'7 now, I predict him to be atleast 6' before the end of the school year. Stormy is still in ROTC, Jordan is playing football and both boys play the trumpet in band. They are doing very well! Oh, unfortunately the pics I took of them didn't transfer to my laptop this morning, I'm very upset about that but I'll try to get them posted tomorrow.
Now Miss Emily has morphed into a terrible 2! She is sassy, bossy, moody and even mean at times that suite her! She has deliberatly outcast Nana. She won't let her touch her or even talk to her. She tells her "NO!" and "GO!" (go as in go away). Sometimes she forgets that she wants nothing to do with Nana but as soon as she remembers, she lets her know. We had planned on keeping Princess Emily for the entire week but we have quickly come to the conclusion that she has become a weekend visitor at best so she will be delivered back to her mommy this evening. We love her dearly but can only take so much of the terrible 2 stage. We just hope it passes quickly!
I know you'll think I'm fibbing when you see these pictures but don't let her fool you, she's a pistol!
She insists on being pushed around in her dolly stroller

She has some very interesting new dance moves

Did I mention that she shhhh's us now? If she don't like what you're saying, she shhh's you.

She thinks she's ready to drive already and insists on going bye-bye

I love her blonde hair, blue eyes and black eye lashes!
Her laugh is amazing. She tells funny stories that are usually about her and she gets to laughing so hard, she cracks me up. I'll give you an example.
Here's Nana, imagine her telling a funny story...

Nana was on a car trip from Texas to Florida and she had brought 2 pain pills with her to take at the half-way point. She explains that she can handle the first half but the second half really bothers her bones and joints. So anyway, they stop at a store and while she is waiting on my Mom & Dad to come back out of the store, she takes her pills and gets rid of some trash and what not. Well, a few minutes later my Mom comes out of the store and Nana asks her if she would get them some coffee so Mom goes back in to the store. Mom gets back to the car with the coffee, Daddy is back so they get on their way again. A few minutes go by and Nana mentions how good her coffee is. Mom agrees, yea, the coffee is pretty good. Nana says again how wonderful her coffee is, she is REALLY impressed by this coffee. I mean, it's the best she's EVER had in her whole life! At this point in her telling me the story, she's about to pee in her pants cuz she's laughing so hard. Through her hysterical laughter, she manages to conclude that the next day while she was telling someone else how good that gas station coffee was, she all of a sudden remembered that just before the coffee, she had taken her pills and that was why her coffee seemed so good!
God bless Nana!
It was so good to see my boys. They have grown even more! Jordan has even let his hair grow out. He normally keeps it buzzed short so you can imagine my surprise at seeing his baby curls again after all these long, long years since his first haircut when he was about 2. And Stormy is about 5'7 now, I predict him to be atleast 6' before the end of the school year. Stormy is still in ROTC, Jordan is playing football and both boys play the trumpet in band. They are doing very well! Oh, unfortunately the pics I took of them didn't transfer to my laptop this morning, I'm very upset about that but I'll try to get them posted tomorrow.
Now Miss Emily has morphed into a terrible 2! She is sassy, bossy, moody and even mean at times that suite her! She has deliberatly outcast Nana. She won't let her touch her or even talk to her. She tells her "NO!" and "GO!" (go as in go away). Sometimes she forgets that she wants nothing to do with Nana but as soon as she remembers, she lets her know. We had planned on keeping Princess Emily for the entire week but we have quickly come to the conclusion that she has become a weekend visitor at best so she will be delivered back to her mommy this evening. We love her dearly but can only take so much of the terrible 2 stage. We just hope it passes quickly!
I know you'll think I'm fibbing when you see these pictures but don't let her fool you, she's a pistol!
She insists on being pushed around in her dolly stroller

She has some very interesting new dance moves

Did I mention that she shhhh's us now? If she don't like what you're saying, she shhh's you.

She thinks she's ready to drive already and insists on going bye-bye

I love her blonde hair, blue eyes and black eye lashes!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Weekend Is Here!!!
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I have lost my mind cuz it's only Wednesday and I'm saying that the weekend is here already, right? Well, I'm not crazy because my weekend is in deed here already!
I'm taking tomorrow off to go up to the panhandle to get grandma and bring here back to my house for about week or so! I'm totally excited about that!
AND by the time I get back home, my boys will be there! They don't have school on Friday so I'm taking Friday off as well so that I can spend an extra day with them, maybe we'll go fishing.
AND Friday afternoon, we will go get That Baby and she will stay with us for about a week too!
How exciting is all this? I can hardly contain myself!
It's too bad BFF can't play hooky and go with me tomorrow. :(
I'm taking tomorrow off to go up to the panhandle to get grandma and bring here back to my house for about week or so! I'm totally excited about that!
AND by the time I get back home, my boys will be there! They don't have school on Friday so I'm taking Friday off as well so that I can spend an extra day with them, maybe we'll go fishing.
AND Friday afternoon, we will go get That Baby and she will stay with us for about a week too!
How exciting is all this? I can hardly contain myself!
It's too bad BFF can't play hooky and go with me tomorrow. :(
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Quilt Give Away!!!
Easy now, I'm not the one giving away a totally awesome quilt but I know who is...
It's Elizabeth at Pigtails and Snails, go on and visit her and enter, here's where to go. Who wouldn't just love to have this in their house? I know I would so I've entered and really hope that I win, not you but me! I know, that's my selfish side bearing her nasty little self, shame on me!
Anyway, good luck to all who enter! Now that's the nice me. Good girl.
It's Elizabeth at Pigtails and Snails, go on and visit her and enter, here's where to go. Who wouldn't just love to have this in their house? I know I would so I've entered and really hope that I win, not you but me! I know, that's my selfish side bearing her nasty little self, shame on me!
Anyway, good luck to all who enter! Now that's the nice me. Good girl.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Where have I been?
Hi guys!
You've missed me, haven't you? I just knew it!!! Awww, yall are so sweet, I love you too!
Anyway, I didn't purposly neglect my blog last week, it's just that I had my nose burried in books, ALL.WEEK. Yep, I read 3 books last week. Now don't go telling everyone that I'm crazy, I just love to read, it's just another one of my many hobbies. You see, when I pick up a book, I don't like to put it down. And then when I read something I really like, I have to have more books by that same author and then when I get them, I of course have to read them too, AS.SOON.AS.I.GET.THEM! I know, it might be a sickness, I'll have to check that out...
So I know I've mentioned him before but I have to give props again to Mr. Charles Martin. I love his books! His stories and writing style just amaze me. And he lives right here in Jacksonville! How cool is that? Anyway, I'm proud to announce that I now have all 6 of his books and can't wait for the next one. I only wish I had all of them in hard back. I guess they only put out hard backs when a book first comes out? Ok, so over last week I read the following Charles Martin books:
Wrapped In Rain(that reminds me, I need to get on the ball and give my extra copy of Where The River Ends away!)

The Dead Don't Dance

Maggie (sequel to The Dead Don't Dance, I hope he does a 3rd one)

Have I mentioned that I love his books? They are always about a man (not the same man)who is faced with some sort of tragedy in his life and how he deals with life afterwards. I always fall in love with the guys (on a strictly platonic level of course)because they are good christian men, with good hearts and I just want to hug them and tell them that everything will be okay and then I want to cook them something. Hey, don't judge me, I'm only human.
Hey BFF, have you looked for When Crickets Cry yet? I've searched my entire house and can't find it anywhere.
So now that I've finished reading Mr. Martin's books, I've started on one that I heard about recently. It's called The Shack, by WM. Paul Young. It's about a family that suffers a terrible tragedy but the father struggles with it the most. He ends up speding the weekend with The Trinity where the tragedy happened. Can you imagine actually, physically being in the presence of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit, having meals and conversations? I'm really enjoying this book and can't wait to see how it ends tonight!

Well, I'm off now to spend some time on my other blog.
You've missed me, haven't you? I just knew it!!! Awww, yall are so sweet, I love you too!
Anyway, I didn't purposly neglect my blog last week, it's just that I had my nose burried in books, ALL.WEEK. Yep, I read 3 books last week. Now don't go telling everyone that I'm crazy, I just love to read, it's just another one of my many hobbies. You see, when I pick up a book, I don't like to put it down. And then when I read something I really like, I have to have more books by that same author and then when I get them, I of course have to read them too, AS.SOON.AS.I.GET.THEM! I know, it might be a sickness, I'll have to check that out...
So I know I've mentioned him before but I have to give props again to Mr. Charles Martin. I love his books! His stories and writing style just amaze me. And he lives right here in Jacksonville! How cool is that? Anyway, I'm proud to announce that I now have all 6 of his books and can't wait for the next one. I only wish I had all of them in hard back. I guess they only put out hard backs when a book first comes out? Ok, so over last week I read the following Charles Martin books:
Wrapped In Rain(that reminds me, I need to get on the ball and give my extra copy of Where The River Ends away!)

The Dead Don't Dance

Maggie (sequel to The Dead Don't Dance, I hope he does a 3rd one)

Have I mentioned that I love his books? They are always about a man (not the same man)who is faced with some sort of tragedy in his life and how he deals with life afterwards. I always fall in love with the guys (on a strictly platonic level of course)because they are good christian men, with good hearts and I just want to hug them and tell them that everything will be okay and then I want to cook them something. Hey, don't judge me, I'm only human.
Hey BFF, have you looked for When Crickets Cry yet? I've searched my entire house and can't find it anywhere.
So now that I've finished reading Mr. Martin's books, I've started on one that I heard about recently. It's called The Shack, by WM. Paul Young. It's about a family that suffers a terrible tragedy but the father struggles with it the most. He ends up speding the weekend with The Trinity where the tragedy happened. Can you imagine actually, physically being in the presence of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit, having meals and conversations? I'm really enjoying this book and can't wait to see how it ends tonight!

Well, I'm off now to spend some time on my other blog.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Clean Jokes Today!
I know I said that today I would post about what I made over the weekend but I haven't taken any pictures yet so you'll just have to be patient with me. I'll get to it, I promise. In the mean time, get a laugh!
Afraid of the Dark...
A little boy was afraid of the dark. One night his mother told him to go out to the back porch and bring her the broom.
The little boy turned to his mother and said, "Mama, I don't want to go out there. It's dark."
The mother smiled reassuringly at her son. "You don't have to be afraid of the dark," she explained. "Jesus is out there. He'll look after you and protect you."
The little boy looked at his mother real hard and asked, "Are you sure he's out there?"
"Yes, I'm sure. He is everywhere, and he is always ready to help you when you need him," she said.
The little boy thought about that for a minute and then went to the back door and cracked it a little. Peering out into the darkness, he called, "Jesus? If you're out there, would you please hand me the broom?"
Knock at the Door...
A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners.
At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.
When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, Genesis 3:10."
Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.
Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid, for I was naked."
Afraid of the Dark...
A little boy was afraid of the dark. One night his mother told him to go out to the back porch and bring her the broom.
The little boy turned to his mother and said, "Mama, I don't want to go out there. It's dark."
The mother smiled reassuringly at her son. "You don't have to be afraid of the dark," she explained. "Jesus is out there. He'll look after you and protect you."
The little boy looked at his mother real hard and asked, "Are you sure he's out there?"
"Yes, I'm sure. He is everywhere, and he is always ready to help you when you need him," she said.
The little boy thought about that for a minute and then went to the back door and cracked it a little. Peering out into the darkness, he called, "Jesus? If you're out there, would you please hand me the broom?"
Knock at the Door...
A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners.
At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.
When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, Genesis 3:10."
Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.
Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid, for I was naked."
Monday, October 06, 2008
To my loyal readers and new friends...
Yeah right, like I'm so popular!!! I crack myself up sometimes!
But anyway, today I am going to focus on a new blog. Now don't go worrying your pretty little heads one bit, I love BLOOM and have every intention of keeping her! I'm going to consider her my "Domestic Dabblings Blog", if you will. I will use BLOOM to continue to be my cute little crafty, entertaining and fun loving self. While my new blog will reflect a more serious side of me. Don't go freaking out on me now, I'm not like Jeckyl and Hide or anything.
People have asked me how do I do it, or how did I get to be the way that I am. I had an old boss once that layed me off and kept asking me how is was that I was handling it so well. My answer to her was "that's just the way I am". Looking back, I should have said "That's just the way I roll"! There I go, cracking myself up again! Anyway, I am the way that I am due to my foundation. My foundation is based on God and the Holy Bible. I haven't always done the right things but my foundation is solid and has always held me up.
My new blog will be known as "Letters To God". It will cronicle my prayers and my journey through this tuff world while maturing as a faithful Christian. You are welcome to visit "Letters To God" if you like. For me it will serve as an expressive outlet, if anyone else visits, I hope it serves as inspiration in one form or another.
As for BLOOM, tomorrow, I plan to post on the things I made over the weekend. I might even post my very special baked zitti recipe!!!
You guys rock!!!
But anyway, today I am going to focus on a new blog. Now don't go worrying your pretty little heads one bit, I love BLOOM and have every intention of keeping her! I'm going to consider her my "Domestic Dabblings Blog", if you will. I will use BLOOM to continue to be my cute little crafty, entertaining and fun loving self. While my new blog will reflect a more serious side of me. Don't go freaking out on me now, I'm not like Jeckyl and Hide or anything.
People have asked me how do I do it, or how did I get to be the way that I am. I had an old boss once that layed me off and kept asking me how is was that I was handling it so well. My answer to her was "that's just the way I am". Looking back, I should have said "That's just the way I roll"! There I go, cracking myself up again! Anyway, I am the way that I am due to my foundation. My foundation is based on God and the Holy Bible. I haven't always done the right things but my foundation is solid and has always held me up.
My new blog will be known as "Letters To God". It will cronicle my prayers and my journey through this tuff world while maturing as a faithful Christian. You are welcome to visit "Letters To God" if you like. For me it will serve as an expressive outlet, if anyone else visits, I hope it serves as inspiration in one form or another.
As for BLOOM, tomorrow, I plan to post on the things I made over the weekend. I might even post my very special baked zitti recipe!!!
You guys rock!!!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Hurry up 5 o'clock I can't hardly stand it and to add insult to injury, Aunt Flow just showed up. I had no idea it was time for her to visit again. It seems like she just left a few days go and now she's back. ugggg. I'm absolutely miserable right noooooooooooooooooooooooooow.

I so want to be here
right now. I fell like if I don't get some Mod Podge right now, I might just die. Right here. Right now.
You know, I've never in my whole entire life, ever Mod Podged something. I know, right?

Along with the red tide, I've been surfing the blog waves today (as usual) and I have found so many craftivists! I consider myself a copy-cat crafter. I don't come up with ideas, I copy them! Oh! before I forget, go check out my new favorite crafter blog Big Creek Cottage I like everything I saw in her blog. And check out the back to school teacher survival kits that she put together for her kids to give to their teachers. They are under the August posts. I just love them! She did that with Mod Podge! I know, shut up, right?
Anyway, back to the Mod Podge. I have an old suite case that I keep my boys baby books in and some other pictures (this would be the first thing I grabbed if my house caught on fire). I saw on another blog (wish I could remember where) where she recovered her old case using Mod Podge. I instantly knew that I had to do that to my case. I'll be sure to take before & after pics cuz I know my fans will want to see.
I smell a weekend FULL of crafting! With the windows and doors open so I can enjoy this lovely Fall weather!
By the way, from now on, I will be typing in all lower case. im just too lazy to use the shift key anymore. thank you for understanding.

I so want to be here

You know, I've never in my whole entire life, ever Mod Podged something. I know, right?

Along with the red tide, I've been surfing the blog waves today (as usual) and I have found so many craftivists! I consider myself a copy-cat crafter. I don't come up with ideas, I copy them! Oh! before I forget, go check out my new favorite crafter blog Big Creek Cottage I like everything I saw in her blog. And check out the back to school teacher survival kits that she put together for her kids to give to their teachers. They are under the August posts. I just love them! She did that with Mod Podge! I know, shut up, right?
Anyway, back to the Mod Podge. I have an old suite case that I keep my boys baby books in and some other pictures (this would be the first thing I grabbed if my house caught on fire). I saw on another blog (wish I could remember where) where she recovered her old case using Mod Podge. I instantly knew that I had to do that to my case. I'll be sure to take before & after pics cuz I know my fans will want to see.
I smell a weekend FULL of crafting! With the windows and doors open so I can enjoy this lovely Fall weather!
By the way, from now on, I will be typing in all lower case. im just too lazy to use the shift key anymore. thank you for understanding.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Look yall, it's my very first Tag AND Award! This is so exciting!
Ok so this is my first time so I hope I do it right, here goes...
The very sassy red-head over at : Tiaras & Tantrums tagged me with Tag You’re it Meme!

RULES, because tags have rules . . .
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Okay, here are 7 facts about myself:
1. I have 3 tatoos; a cross on my lower back that I've had for 14 years, way before they started calling them "tramp-stamps". I hear that when I'm in my 50's it will be called a "hag-tag", great. I also have a tiny little heart right below my belly button, I've had that one for about 12 years. And lastly, I have a tat-toe. It's a permanent toe ring, I've had that one for about 4 years.
2. I love asparagus and spinache and collard greens!
3. I could so be a farmer.
4. My BFF and I have been BFFs for nearly 22 years!
5. I've known my husband since I was 9.
6. I have sweaty feet. I know, ewww!
7. I'm not as smart as I think I am!
There you have it!
I tag all 7 of my Fans, I mean Stalkers, I mean Followers!
Mrs. S
My Mom
Her blog is not up and running yet but she's workin on it!
Insane Mama
Here's my Award:

To translate the gift from Portuguese to English, it means: "This blog invests and believes, the proximity"[meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy]
Post this if/when you award this to others:
"They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and friendship; they are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate?"
Then let's try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.
I also pass this award on to my followers!
Ok so this is my first time so I hope I do it right, here goes...
The very sassy red-head over at : Tiaras & Tantrums tagged me with Tag You’re it Meme!

RULES, because tags have rules . . .
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Okay, here are 7 facts about myself:
1. I have 3 tatoos; a cross on my lower back that I've had for 14 years, way before they started calling them "tramp-stamps". I hear that when I'm in my 50's it will be called a "hag-tag", great. I also have a tiny little heart right below my belly button, I've had that one for about 12 years. And lastly, I have a tat-toe. It's a permanent toe ring, I've had that one for about 4 years.
2. I love asparagus and spinache and collard greens!
3. I could so be a farmer.
4. My BFF and I have been BFFs for nearly 22 years!
5. I've known my husband since I was 9.
6. I have sweaty feet. I know, ewww!
7. I'm not as smart as I think I am!
There you have it!
I tag all 7 of my Fans, I mean Stalkers, I mean Followers!
Mrs. S
My Mom
Her blog is not up and running yet but she's workin on it!
Insane Mama
Here's my Award:

To translate the gift from Portuguese to English, it means: "This blog invests and believes, the proximity"[meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy]
Post this if/when you award this to others:
"They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and friendship; they are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate?"
Then let's try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.
I also pass this award on to my followers!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Writer's Workshop
Writer's Workshop is hosted by Mama Kat, go check her out, she's a total hoot!
What did I do before I had internet?
Before the internet and p.c.'s came along, I watched too much t.v. and had to use encyclopedias.
Kids played outside all day and got plenty of excercise and went to bed at a decent hour.
Dads played card games with other Dads, not violent video war games on line with other people making it DIFFICULT FOR ME TO BLOG BECAUSE I HAVE TO DISCONNECT IT FROM THE XBOX AND RECONNECT IT BACK TO THE ROUTER THING!
Bloggy Things
So I'm finding that there are all kinds of neat little things that you can try out there in blogland. Things like this:
It's funny cuz my eyes ARE brown. How cool is that?
What did I do before I had internet?
Before the internet and p.c.'s came along, I watched too much t.v. and had to use encyclopedias.
Kids played outside all day and got plenty of excercise and went to bed at a decent hour.
Dads played card games with other Dads, not violent video war games on line with other people making it DIFFICULT FOR ME TO BLOG BECAUSE I HAVE TO DISCONNECT IT FROM THE XBOX AND RECONNECT IT BACK TO THE ROUTER THING!
Bloggy Things
So I'm finding that there are all kinds of neat little things that you can try out there in blogland. Things like this:
Your Eyes Should Be Brown |
![]() Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom People find you to be: Loyal, honest, and comforting Your best trait: You are comfortable with who you are, and you don't pretend to be someone you're not What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart |
It's funny cuz my eyes ARE brown. How cool is that?
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- No, I will not change the channel.
- Wordful Wednesday
- It's A Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Hay Yall...
- PhotoStory Friday
- A Wish Party...
- How was my 4 day weekend?
- The Weekend Is Here!!!
- Quilt Give Away!!!
- Where have I been?
- Clean Jokes Today!
- To my loyal readers and new friends...
- Hurry up 5 o'clock
- Writer's Workshop
- Wordful Wednesday