Guess who just remembered she has a blog? I did! I can't believe it's been since...what, June that I've written a entry? Wow. Anyway, I really should post more often. It doesn't even matter if anyone else reads my blog or not, it's quite theraputical (I have no idea if I spelled that correctly or not) obviously indicated in my lack of posts. I just got lazy that's all. I really do enjoy writting, now whether or not I'm any good at it is still yet to be determined.
So! They say you shouldn't make New Years Resolutions because when you do, you are predestined to fail. Well, I choose NOT to buy into that superstition ( I think I spelled that one right!). I am going to do my very best to see each and every one of my resolutions through to the very end and if anyone reads this and is so enclined, I personally invite you to participate in my challenge. Exactly what my challenge is...I don't really know just yet but I'm sure it'll come to me. Maybe something along the lines of partnering with other bloggers in a sort of New Years Resolution Accountabililty Program??? By the way, I haven't even made my resolutions yet! How funny is that?
Ok so it's now 30 minutes past my bedtime and my movie is almost over and I feel like I haven't knitted enough tonight, so I'm going to sign off for now. Oh! I just decided that knitting or chrocheting nightly is one of my resolutions!
Happy New Year!!!
1 a: to produce or yield flowers b: to support abundant plant life 2 a (1): to mature into achievement of one's potential (2): to flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence b: to shine out